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“There is a language that is older and deeper than words. With it, the earth speaks.
Our indigenous ancestors were still involved in this holistic communication.
In resonance with the language of nature they could interact with her”

The Language of nature

Connecting cosmos, earth, rituals and life

Montegrande Temple, Jaen, Peru

Archaeological site located in Jaén, Peru
reveals that the oldest Cacao in the world is found in this area

There are two temples between Peru and Ecuador, where remains of cacao have been found.

The most ancient cacao

The civilization that built the temples in Peru and Ecuador is more than five thousand years old and would be the birthplace of cacao. Its remains are located in the binational Chinchipe-Marañón river basin. A spiral temple was discovered in Montegrande, Peru and another in Palanda, Ecuador.

Montegrande temple in Jaen, Cajamarca, Peru

A nine-year investigation presents the ceremonial temple of Montegrande, as part of the discovery of a culture that developed on the border of Peru and Ecuador, and reveals that the oldest cacao in the world is found in this area. The archaeologist believes that the temple has the shape of a curled serpent, an important symbol found in nearby sites. This temple proves that cacao was used for ritual and ceremonial purposes in ancient Peru.

The site is 5,000 years old, it dates back to 3,000 BC.

Research began in 2009, thanks to financial support from the Andean Community of Nations. Archaeological research in Peru was led by archaeologist Quirino Olivera.

"Archaeological evidence indicates that it would be found in the upper part of the binational Chinchipe-Marañon basin, evidence of 2,000 years before the Olmecs; that is, 5,500 years old. That makes it the oldest cacao in the world," says Olivera, who believes that this culture should be called Marañón, in honor of the most important course of the Amazon.

Cacao, the Amazonian fruit had already been domesticated 5,500 years ago in the Chinchipe river basin, which runs between Ecuador and Peru reaching the Marañon river. The temple is attributed to a culture that has been called Mayo-Chinchipe, civilizations developed in the Amazon jungle.

Palanda Is in the Ecuadorian province of Zamora Chinchipe, was excavated by Francisco Valdez and Ceremonial vessels were found with traces of Cacao.  The result of the carbon 14 dating offers a data that changes everything: the origin of the remains is 5,500 years ago, between 3500 and 3350 BC.

That culture gave cacao a ceremonial use and a mystical character 1,500 years before that happened in Mesoamerica.

"Peru has the highest genetic biodiversity of Cacao in the world. Six of the ten genetic clusters of Cacao in the world are found in Peru".


Diario el Comercio:
Diario el Pais:
Diario Andina:

All the great variety of flavors that can be felt with a fine cacao 

Chocolate and Cacao Flavor Profile Map from the "Chocolate tasting institute" is a flavor profile system for fine chocolate and fine cacao.

"Our map is based on the latest research into how the brain tastes chocolate, which is modelled using a neural network designed by Dr. Alex Rast of Oxford Brookes University working with our founders and presented using statistical tools to create a flavor map that’s logical, intuitive and based on science."

Download it here for free

Photography: Michela Di savino

Cacao Ceremonies

Cacao is a fruit that nourishes our bones, tissues, blood, heart, whole body and spirit.

Being part of a Cacao Ceremony as a couple or in a group creates a new way of communication: honesty, truth, innocence, trust and pureness.
It is a sacred space where we give thanks to mother earth for giving us life and we pray for peace, health and happiness.

Cacao supports us to continue our path with love and strength. It connects us with mother nature, beauty, sensuality and the senses.

We sing to the stars, to the mountains, to the sun and the moon, to the fire, water and the elements, to great spirit.

Close your eyes. Observe your breath, touch your heart, thank your whole being, you are ready to embody gratitude.

Cacao Ceremony is a ritual space where we share the language of our heart with Medicine songs.

“May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all” Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Cacao Ceremony with Steph Switzerland

Karpay with Benito & Maria. Cuzco, Peru.  Oct. 2015


“The Cacao ceremonies with Rosy were incredibly healing, inspiring and very heart-opening. I don't have the words to fairly describe this experience of love. With Rosy's vibe it is a different world from previous Cacao ceremonies, you feel and sense in every cell that Rosy is from Peru and even the Cacao is from her family straight from the deep jungle and the whole setting is full of love and her voice touches opens every cell. This Cacao ceremony softens and opens your heart, this is true transformation and healing.

It is only since the ceremonies with Rosy that I have recognised Cacao as sacred.

My whole family thanks you dear Rosy”

Raphael G.


“Die Cacao-Zeremonien mit Rosy waren unglaublich heilsam, inspirierend und sehr Herzöffnend. Es fehlen mir die Worte um diese Liebes-Erfahrung gerecht wiederzugeben.

Mit Rosy's-Vibe ist es eine andere Welt, als bisherige Cacao Zeremonien...man fühlt und spürt in jeder Zelle, dass Rosy aus Peru ist und sogar der Cacao ist von Ihrer Familie direkt aus dem tiefen Jungel und das ganze Setting ist voller Liebe und Ihrer Stimme berührt öffnet jede Zelle. Diese Cacao-Zeremonie weicht und öffnet dein Herz, das ist wahre Transformation und Heilung.

Erst seit den Zeremonien mit Rosy habe ich Cacao als heilige Medicine erkannt.
Meine ganze Familie dankt Dir Liebe Rosy”

Raphael G.

Cacao & Art

My mission is to share art, to open hearts through Cacao and facilitate the entry into the creative world.
Contact me if you have questions or requests:  rosyjs@gmail.com

I share Cacao Ceremonies and teach how to prepare Cacao, for groups of 3 people or more.
Subscribe to my newsletter & for the upcoming Cacao ceremonies.

You can buy here Cacao Ceremonial and prepare it at home.

My family prepares this Cacao with lots of love for you ♥︎

The native community of San Francisco is a community of the Shipibo-Conibo people belonging to the Pano culture and interlinguistic family, located in the district of Yarinacocha on the left bank of the Yarinacocha lagoon in the Ucayali region in the central Amazon of Peru.

They embroider these weavings by hand, this traditional weaving is called Kené,  symbolizes their songs and translates the ‘Icaros’ sung in ceremony with honor to the plants of the jungle.

Approximate size of the weavings: 16.5 x 16.5 cm

If you want us to send it to another part of the world please contact us.