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Voice & creation

The Song of The Earth. Ix Cacao

Cacao, voice and creativity. Through voice and songs, rythm & drum we connect with the Earth and the power of creation. We will work with the medicine of cacao to support us to bring love and trust to our lifes,
listening to the song that comes from the Earth.

Learn Medicine Songs, the history of Cacao in Peru and mesoamerica. 

Find more confidence in your voice, in your expression and enjoy singing!

❊ Singing is our medicine, our offering to life  ❊
❊ Cacao is love, that comes directly from the earth ❊

Online course - 4 live videocalls 

⦿ Presentation and history of Cacao.
⦿ Properties of Cacao.
⦿ How Cacao helps in the practice of self-love.
⦿ Guided Meditations.
⦿ Breathing exercises.
⦿ Voice exercises.

⦿ Medicine Songs in spanish and english every session.
⦿ Singing to heal & express your truth.
⦿ How to build a sacred altar.
⦿ How to integrate Cacao in your daily practice?
⦿ Where and how does Cacao trees grow?

⦿ How is the jungle in Peru and the native communities?
⦿ Discover the shamanic drum to connect with your voice.
⦿ Find joy in your expression and voice
⦿ How to connect more to Mother Earth, to express our voice and our truth.
⦿ Exploring our creativity and connecting with song creation.
⦿ Integrative sharing

Rosy is a Peruvian artist and musician devoted to mother nature. Facilitates gatherings, ceremonies, circles, concerts and workshops. Her blood family grows Cacao trees in the wild jungle of Peru, from them she learned all about Cacao and the magic of the ancient Rainforest, connected with the Andes and the Amazonas from there she has the inspiration for her Music & Arts.

Rosy has a deep connection with the native cultures of Peru, studying indigenous traditions and rituals for years, investigates ancestral techniques of weaving, painting, singing as a sacred connection with the Earth. Rosy guides people to develop a relationship with sacred plants, the healing power of nature and cacao, to discover their expression and the ancestral connection to the Earth.

She expresses her vision through her music, ' The Song of the Earth ' course, retreats, women's circles, one-on-one coaching and Cacao ceremonies. 'Amada Selva'  beloved jungle, is a offering to honor the jungle and life.

Pure Cacao open our heart and connects us with mother earth, harmonizes us, giving us joy, love and strength in our path, honouring the earth and the cosmos.
Amada Selva Cacao ceremony, is a space for the heart, where we return to the center to connect with our voice which is our own medicine.

︎ listen to my music here 

The Song of the Earth 4 sessions online With Rosy Kantu
1:1 one to one sessions. Reserve a date directly with me: rosyjs@gmail.com


  • 4 live- video calls (1 hour and 15 minutes each call)
  • 4 books in pdf with important content about Cacao and medicine music songs.
  • 1 Songbook in pdf
  • Accompaniment by whatsaap during the course
  • Music playlist with Medicine Music
  • My accompaniment and experience with Cacao and Medicine Music


The Song of the Earth Ix Cacao Journey:
550 Euros

︎︎︎ Payment only by bank transfer, click here


Time: 7 - 8.15 pm Central European Time
1.15 h each session  
6 hours together   (whole journey)

❊ I am very happy to meet you soon  ❊
❊Together singing for our beautiful lifes ❊



“Working with Rosy has been a joy!
'The song of the Earth' was an inspiring journey into the vibrant history of Cacao and the Mesoamerican civilisations that cultivated it.  Through Rosy's teachings, I gained a deep understanding of the significance of Cacao and the art of sharing its essence.
Rosy guides with genuine care and expertise.
'The song of the Earth' inspired my creativity and gave me the confidence to craft my unique path in guiding others through Cacao journeys.” 

"Rosy is an amazing soul that loves to share the medicine of cacao from her homeland Peru. The cacao is so pure and strong. Rosy guides with love and passion through the ceremonies- singing beautiful songs that open your heart and soul. I can highly recommend Rosy and her precious work”.  Sarah

The Cacao ceremonies with Rosy were incredibly healing, inspiring and very heart-opening. I don't have the words to fairly describe this experience of love. With Rosy's vibe it is a different world from previous Cacao ceremonies, you feel and sense in every cell that Rosy is from Peru and even the Cacao is from her family straight from the deep jungle, the whole ceremony is full of love and her voice touches every cell. This Cacao ceremony softens and opens your heart, this is true transformation and healing. It is only since the ceremonies with Rosy that I have recognised Cacao as sacred. My whole family thanks you dear Rosy” Raphael G.

Working with Rosy was so special. She embodies what it means to be the heart of the earth and the soul of the cosmos.

Her wisdom, her care, her deep knowing is beyond words. Great Spirit guided me to her after I heard Mumma Cacao’s call, and I couldn’t have been in better hands. The richness of The Song of the Earth work is so deeply moving. I feel like I have been schooled in an ancient craft that all should know. A plant from a long line of the people of Peru, a medicine that heals and supports and brings you in and out to connect fully with Nature and Life. There is something so real and true about learning and receiving  Cacao from this lineage and from Rosy’s heart work. I am forever grateful and changed and I am proud to serve it.

The Earth called, I listened, and Rosy stewarded this magical, heart filled, deeply nurturing plant into my heart, my womb, my cells. I feel like I have been woven into Life’s fabric in a whole new way. My daily Cacao from the Jungle is so special now. Thank you Rosy, endless love and honouring to your family’s work, to your work, and to Mumma Cacao”   
Nikki. Australia

“ Rosy accompanies you on a unique journey with her gentle and loving nature. She creates this unique space. Each appointment is a ceremony in itself in which you can meet yourself and your voice in a new way. To do this, she offers you beautiful medicine songs and also cacao. I promise you, you will also learn a lot about this beautiful plant. I can only recommend that you give this gift to yourself” Lara. Germany

"Ich könnte dir nun erzählen, was du dabei lernst. Doch wenn ich ehrlich bin, ist es viel bedeutetsamer wie du dich dabei fühlst. Dies ist eine Reise, eine Reise zu dir selbst. Auch wenn du das Gefühl hast, nicht singen zu können. Rosy schafft es mit ihrer sanften und liebevollen Art dir zu zeigen, dass singen mehr ist als Noten und Rhythmus zu treffen.  Du löst dich dabei von deinem Verstand und spürst was es mit dir macht. Singen ist Medizin und dass kannst du hier wirklich spüren. Denn dein Körper beginnt zu pulsieren und du spürst die Energie.

Zudem darfst du die ganze Zeit mit Kakao weben. Kakao ist eine Medizin für sich, es ist die Energie von Mutter Erde. Sie hat die Kraft uns zu verbinden und unser Herz zu öffnen. Diese magische Pflanze wächst im Dschungel von Peru und dahin entführt Rosy dich. Selbst wenn du noch niemals dort warst, fühlst du dich unglaublich verbunden, dass mag darn liegen, dass Rosy aus Peru kommt und eine starke Verbindung zu ihrem Land und den Spirits hat. Ich bin unglaublich dankbar, denn diese tiefen und authentischen Eindrücke die sie mir ermöglichte haben mein Herz berührt.

Und jetzt, nach diesem Kurs habe ich meine ganz eigene Definition gefunden, was "the song of the earth" für mich persönlich bedeutet.  Es war ein wachrütteln ein aufwecken. Den Klang der Erde zu hören und diesen durch dich hindurch strömen zu lassen. Egal wo auch immer du auf dieser Welt bist, es ist immer der gleiche.
Den Klang der Erde wieder zu hören, diesen Klang in mir selbst zu finden und meine Beziehung zu Kakao vertiefen. Ich danke dir, liebe Rosy von ganzem Herzen für diese Erfahrungen”  Lara. Deutschland

“Conectar con el espiritu de la selva y la cacao atraves de Rosy,de sus cantos ,su amor y entrega  ha sido un viaje hacia el corazon. Despues de vivir "the song of the Earth" he logrado profundizar y expandir tambien el amor que esta magica planta nos trae.Gracias querida Rosy, por ser inspiracion que no deja de latir " Renata

“My sister and I joined Rosy’s Cacao ceremony courses and had a beautiful experience with her. It felt like we were connecting with the jungles of Peru in each session. She brought a beautiful, feminine energy with her music, songs and art. She inspired me to tap into a part of me that loves to create with joy and ease. Every ceremony helped me to ground myself further, and connect with the beautiful nurturing energy of Mother earth; A kind reminder that it’s a privilege to be alive and to fully enjoy our time on earth. The cacao we tried originates from her family’s plantations in Peru, and tastes so rich and pure. After the whole course with Rosy, I felt more grounded within myself, more vibrant, and more connected with Life happening all around me. I’m inspired to keep connecting with the sacred energy of Cacao” Rocio Perez

The training with Rosy fulfilled every single on of these desires. She has such a strong connection to this medicine both from experiencing it but also due to her family ties and it's so evident in her knowledge and passion during our sessions. With her I was able to open up and let go through our beautiful meditations and the songs she weaved into every session. I really loved diving deep into the historical and cultural context of this plant, learnings about how to use it in ceremony, how to create altars, how to bring music into the experience, as well as the practical knowledge of how cacao is made from its sourcing all the way to arriving at our mug. Rosy has a gentle sweet spirit that clearly was transmitted from her house in Peru where she ran her sessions online all the way to my house in Switzerland where I received them. I now carry out my own cacao ceremonies and sessions weekly, and her sessions have  inspired me to use my voice more through song as well as pick my art passion back up! Rosy thank you for everything.” Laura P

"Canto a la tierra es un viaje hermoso. Rosy logra transmitir con su voz profunda y dulce a la vez, aún en la virtualidad de los encuentros, todo lo sagrado que implica reunirse en un círculo de cacao y conectar con su medicina. Los cantos, los rezos, el calendario maya, la historia del cacao desde las culturas mesoamericanas hasta hoy en día, me han conectado profundamente con el espíritu de esta planta maravillosa. Gracias a todo lo aprendido junto a Rosy, compartir cacao con mi gente se ha convertido en un ritual muy sanador, un camino en el cual quiero seguir caminando y aprendiendo cada vez más.”  Paula

"When I met Rosy, I felt a strong connection to her and to my motherland Peru. Rosy radiates and lives beauty and carries the soul of the jungle and the Andes. The cacao from her family is gentle and rich in flavors. Every time I drink a cup, I feel a shift happening. The cacao ceremonies that Rosy and Lisa provide are just beautiful and loving. They create an intimate and safe space to share thoughts and feelings and to open the voice and heart to the vast array of songs they have collected through their travels. Rosy and Lisa are pure inspiration.” Mónica V.

"Learning from Rosy was a very soft, feminine and gentle experience. I appreciated her knowledge about the history and meaning behind the Cacao and am grateful to be able to share this with others now” Kirbanu

For any question, send me a email:

I love to hear from you!

❊  Singing is our medicine, our offering to life  ❊
❊  Cacao is love, that comes directly from the earth  ❊
Thanks for your light in this world
