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Payment options 

Bank transfer

Bank account n. 1148-2018.639
Rosy Jungbluth 
Postcode: 8038 Zürich

CH62 0070 0114 8020 1863 9
SEPA (Inside Europe there is no comission fee)

Paypal: rosyjs@gmail.com

Please Include the order, name, adddress and email. Be sure to include 5% extra comission from Paypal. Or send it as a friend (without paypal comission)

Send me an email if you send a Bank transfer or paypal to: rosyjs@gmail.com

Shipping cost:
Be sure to add the extra shipping cost to the payment, depending on the weight of the order:

  • Switzerland small box shipping: 8.5chf
  • Switzerland big box shipping: 11 chf
  • Liechtenstein small box : 8.5chf
  • Liechtenstein big box : 11 chf

  • Germany small box shipping: 7 Euro 
  • Germany big box shipping: 11 Euro

I am happy to send your Cacao order. Muchas gracias!